Use screen on remote machine.
screen [-AmRvx -ls -wipe] [-d name] [-h lines] [-r name] [-s] [-S name]
screen -r recover a screen work.
screen -d -r : recover a screen work, kick off other user on this work and start.
screen -ls
screen -m : start a new screen.
screen -dm : a new screen start with detached model.
screen -p number or name
Ctrl + a + d : quit screen with process still running.
exit : quit screen.
Ctrl + a + c : create a new window.
Ctrl + a + w : list windows.
Ctrl + a + n : next window.
Ctrl + a + p : previous window.
Ctrl + a + 0 ~ 9 : switch between window 0 to 9.
Ctrl + a + K : quit current window and jump to next.